Event Overview

In 2012, Li and Siegrist published a groundbreaking meta-analysis linking increased physical activity to a significant reduction in coronary heart disease and stroke risk. Yet, despite overwhelming evidence, exercise remains vastly underprescribed as a therapeutic intervention.
Enter PaRx—a pioneering initiative that integrates nature-based prescriptions into modern medicine to promote better health through physical activity.
Join us for an insightful discussion with leading experts and key stakeholders as we examine the barriers to formalizing exercise prescriptions and explore how PaRx is driving this much-needed change. Be part of the movement that’s transforming healthcare—one prescription at a time!

2025 Spring CME: Revolutionizing Heathcare: The Power of Prescribed Exercise - Vancouver
Wednesday April 9, 2025 | 6:00-8:30pm

Online Registration

All fields are required unless otherwise indicated.

Registrant Information

Which EMR system does your clinic use?

Event Date and Time

The Museum of Vancouver
1100 Chestnut Street
Vancouver, BC